US EU Plug 19V 2.15A 40W 5.5×1.7mm ADP-40TH AC Power Adapter Charger compatible with Acer Aspire One 521 522 532H 533 722 725 753 756 For Sale
Original price was: $109.00.$54.50Current price is: $54.50.
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Additional Information
- Input Voltage: 100V-240V 50 60hz
- Output Voltage: 19V
- Output Current: 2.15A (40W)
- Connector: 5.5*1.7mm
- Color: Black
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ADP-40PH BB, ADP-40TH A, ADP-40YH A, BA01-J, DA-40A19, LC.ADT0A.023, W10-040N1AFIT MODELS :(use ctrl+F to find your model quickly)
AOD260-N51B P
One D255-12681830T-68U118 AOD255-2136 AOD260-N51B S One D255-1549 1830TZ AOD255-2184 AOD260-N51B SF One D255-1625 8172-6932 AOD255-2256 AOD270 One D255-2107 8172T AOD255-2301 AOHAPPY-1101 One D255-2136 AC700 AOD255-2331 AOHAPPY-1225 One D255-2184 AO521 AOD255-2509 AOHAPPY-1515 One D255-2256 AO521-3089 AOD255-2532 AOHAPPY2 One D255-2301 AO521-3530 AOD255-2583 AS1830T-68U118 One D255-2331 AO521-3782 AOD255-2640 ASPIRE 1430Z One D255-2509 AO522 AOD255-2670 CHROMEBOOK 710 One D255-2532 AO522-BZ465 AOD255-2691 Chromebook C710 One D255-2583 AO522-BZ824 AOD255-2795 ICONIA TAB W50 One D255-2640 AO522-BZ897 AOD255-2929 LC.BTP00.128 One D255-2670 AO532h-2206 AOD255-2934 LC.BTP00.129 One D255-2691 AO532h-2242 AOD255-2981 One 521-3089 One D255-2795 AO532H-2298 AOD255E One 521-3530 One D255-2929 AO532H-2333 AOD255E-13111 One 521-3782 One D255-2934 AO532H-2575 AOD255E-13281 One 522-BZ465 One D255-2981 AO532H-2622 AOD255E-13410 One 522-BZ824 One D255E-13111 AO532h-2630 AOD255E-13412 One 522-BZ897 One D255E-13281 AO532h-2676 AOD255E-13429 One 532h-2206 One D255E-13410 AO532H-2727 AOD255E-13444 One 532h-2242 One D255E-13412 AO532h-2730 AOD255E-13471 One 532H-2298 One D255E-13429 AO532H-2742 AOD255E-13492 One 532H-2333 One D255E-13444 AO532H-2806 AOD255E-13493 One 532H-2575 One D255E-13471 AO532h-2807 AOD255E-13608 One 532H-2622 One D255E-13492 AO532H-2938 AOD255E-13617 One 532h-2630 One D255E-13493 AO532H-2942 AOD255E-13633 One 532h-2676 One D255E-13608 AO532H-2962 AOD255E-13648 One 532H-2727 One D255E-13617 AO532H-2997 AOD255E-13670 One 532H-2742 One D255E-13633 AO532h-2Bb AOD255E-13681 One 532H-2806 One D255E-13648 AO532h-2Br AOD255E-13695 One 532h-2807 One D255E-13670 AO532h-2Bs AOD255E-13699 One 532H-2938 One D255E-13681 AO532h-2Db AOD255E-13813 One 532H-2942 One D255E-13695 AO532h-2DbBT AOD255E-13849 One 532H-2962 One D255E-13699 AO532h-2DGbBT AOD255E-13865 One 532H-2997 One D255E-13813 AO532h-2Dr AOD255E-13877 One 532h-2Bb One D255E-13849 AO532h-2DrBT AOD255E-1482 One 532h-2Br One D255E-13865 AO532h-2Ds AOD255E-1802 One 532h-2Bs One D255E-13877 AO532h-2DsBT AOD255E-2659 One 532h-2Db One D255E-1482 AO532h-B123 AOD255E-2677 One 532h-2Db BT One D255E-1802 AO532h-B123F AOD257 One 532h-2DGb BT One D255E-2659 AO532h-CBK123G AOD260-1270 One 532h-2Dr One D255E-2677 AO532h-CBW123G AOD260-2028 One 532h-2Dr BT One D260-1270 AO532h-CPK11 AOD260-2203 One 532h-2Ds BT One D260-2455 AO532h-CPR11 AOD260-2207 One 532h-B123 One D260-2Bkk AO532h-CPW11 AOD260-2344 One 532h-B123F One D260-2Bp AO532h-R123 AOD260-2365 One 532h-CBK123G One D260-N51B K AO532h-W123 AOD260-23797 One 532h-CBW123G One D260-N51B KF AO532h-W123F AOD260-2380 One 532h-CPK11 One D260-N51B M AO722 AOD260-2440 One 532h-CPR11 One D260-N51B P AO725-C7XKK AOD260-2455 One 532h-CPW11 One D260-N51B S AO753-N32C K AOD260-2571 One 532h-R123 One D260-N51B SF AO753-N32C KF AOD260-2576 One 532h-W123F One HAPPY-1101 AO753-N32C S AOD260-2680 One 753-N32C K One HAPPY-1225 AO753-N32C SF AOD260-2919 One 753-N32C KF One HAPPY-1515 AO753-U342ss AOD260-2Bkk One 753-N32C S TM8172-6932 AO756 AOD260-2Bp One 753-N32C SF TRAVELMATE 8172Z AOD255-1134 AOD260-N51B K One 753-U342ss TRAVELMATE B113-E AOD255-1203 AOD260-N51B KF One D255-1134 TRAVELMATE B113-M AOD255-1268 AOD260-N51B M One D255-1203 ICONIA TAB W501
AOD255-1549 AOD255-1625